Part B: Product group definitions

Part Bs available for public consultation.

Part B request Comments Initiated by Consultation period closes TAB responses
Commercial lavatories Submit comments > TOTO Sep 27, 2024 ---
Industrial stairways, platforms and ramps In development ACMA --- ---
New version of Part B for joint compound In development DWFC --- ---

We encourage you to submit your comments. The Technical Advisory Board (TAB) will review and consider all comments and proposed changes. Based on participants' input, modifications may be made to the Part B to which a proposal was made and/or to improve the SM Transparency Report Framework, Part A. In the future, should a Part B require additional rules, this same process can be implemented and the Part B updated.

To create a Part B, get started by submitting a Part B request form:
Part B: Product group definitions >

Interested to be notified about Part B public comment open consultation periods and other SM Transparency Report Program news? Sign up >

LCA service providers, please contact us to learn about delivering SM Transparency Reports as part of your LCA deliverables.

Learn about creating a Part B >

We welcome your feedback. Send email to tab[@]

— Jim Mellentine, TAB Chair | Kim Hammer, SM Transparency Report Program Coordinator

Current Part Bs

Part B Validity date PCR supporting documentation
Cladding Support Components and Systems Oct 31, 2022 – Oct 30, 2027
Commercial Flushometer Valves Mar 8, 2024 – Mar 7, 2029 PDF
Commercial/public metered and manual lavatory faucets Mar 8, 2024 – Mar 7, 2029 PDF
Commercial Toilets Mar 6, 2024 – Mar 5, 2029 PDF
Commercial Urinals
Updated May 21, 2024 w/ RSL clarification
Mar 6, 2024 – Mar 5, 2029 PDF
Electronic Bidet Seats Mar 6, 2024 – Mar 5, 2029 PDF
Residential Toilets
Updated Aug 9, 2024 w/ tenth to hundredth
Mar 6, 2024 – Mar 5, 2029 PDF
Stone Flooring
Updated Oct 17, 2022 to include CSI 09 30 33
Apr 6, 2022 – Apr 5, 2027
Utility poles Feb 7, 2024 – Feb 6, 2029 PDF