PACNEXT Webinar - How to use life cycle assessment tools to make better decisions
Join us for this PACNEXT webinar to learn about the fundamentals of using life cycle thinking and tools to help you and your company evaluate, compare and improve product and packaging environmental performance. Edouard Clement and Terry Swack will take you through the basics of LCA tools and how and when to use them to communicate the benefits of change in the supply chain to both internal and external decision makers.They will also share examples of how to integrate these tools into the product development process to make decisions to design, market and purchase/specify greener products and to generate reports that explain what the environmental impacts mean and what the manufacturer is doing to improve. Register >
Edouard Clément - Vice President, Corporate Responsibility Services Groupe AGÉCO
Terry Swack - Founder & CEO, Sustainable Minds
Facilitated by Alan Blake & Rachel Morier
Tuesday, May 17, 2016 2pm - 3pm Eastern
PAC NEXT Members: Free
Non-Members: $99